
Urge Board to “Operate with Full Transparency and in Accordance with Georgia Law”

For Immediate Release

Media Contact: Ryan Mahoney
[email protected]

Atlanta, GA – Today, the Democracy Defense Project (DDP) – GA, a bipartisan group led by former Governor Nathan Deal, former Governor Roy Barnes, former U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss, and former Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin, responded to pending changes to Georgia’s election code.

“To safeguard our elections, we urge the State Elections Board to operate with full transparency and in accordance with Georgia law. Making substantive changes to the way votes are counted and certified without legislative action will undoubtedly foster chaos and undermine the confidence that Georgians have in the democratic process. Integrity and foresight must supersede partisanship and haste in the weeks ahead.”


More information on the Democracy Defense Project can be found at


Published: Aug 19, 2024

Key States

DDP is specifically focused on key battleground states where the possibility of challenges to federal elections may arise.

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