Georgia · The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Gov. Roy Barnes Quoted in AJC’s Politically Georgia AM Newsletter

Excerpt from The Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Politically Georgia AM Newsletter:


ELECTION CONFIDENCE. You already knew that former Gov. Roy Barnes is part of a bipartisan group to bolster confidence in Georgia’s election system after years of election fraud lies took their toll.

But the Democrat isn’t targeting his criticism solely at former President Donald Trump and his allies.

He told the “Politically Georgia” podcast that anyone working to undermine confidence in elections is doing their nation a disservice.

And then he highlighted a recent commentary in the AJC that singled out both Trump and Stacey Abrams, who refused to concede her 2018 defeat to Gov. Brian Kemp.

Said Barnes:

“Stacey Abrams questioned Brian Kemp’s election — that was wrong, just as much as questioning the 2020 election. In politics generally, I don’t find a lot of profiles in courage. And that’s unfortunate, whether they be Democrat or Republican. But we have to speak up and say, ‘Listen, this is a great system. Don’t blow it.'”


Published: Jul 30, 2024

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