
Engler, Blanchard, Cherry and Bishop Launch Michigan Democracy Defense Project


Media Contact: Mark Fisk, [email protected]


LANSING, Michigan, Thursday, Sept. 12 – Today, former Michigan governors and top elected leaders from both sides of the aisle announced the launch of the Democracy Defense Project in Michigan. Former Govs. John Engler, a Republican, and Jim Blanchard, a Democrat, join former Republican U.S. Congressman Mike Bishop and former Democratic Lt. Gov. John Cherry as board members of Democracy Defense Project, a national organization working to defend the transparency, safety, security and validity of Michigan’s elections system.

At a time when America’s confidence in the state of our elections and democracy has significantly eroded, Democracy Defense Project brings together trusted leaders to bolster our faith in the integrity of our elections system. Designed to serve as a counterweight to attempts to undermine and sow distrust in election integrity, Democracy Defense Project’s board members will speak up when these instances arise, provide factual information and publicly defend officials and elections workers who are following laws passed by the Legislature.

Engler, Blanchard, Bishop and Cherry will serve on the Board of Directors with a bipartisan mission to preserve election integrity, foster greater confidence in election results and improve voter participation across the state.

“While we may share strong differences on policies, Gov. Blanchard, Lt. Gov. Cherry, Congressman Bishop and I all share a common belief that elections in Michigan must be conducted fairly and reported correctly,” said Engler, who served as governor from 1991 until 2003. “We all believe in a transparent and open election process, and we will defend the effectiveness and integrity of Michigan elections. If necessary, we will call out those whose actions would undermine that effectiveness or integrity and weaken confidence in our election processes.” 

“In Michigan, our election system is highly secure, decentralized and run by 83 county clerks. We have numerous safeguards to prevent bad actors from interfering with the fairness and accuracy of our elections,” said Blanchard, governor from 1983 to 1991. “Elections are the cornerstone of our democracy, and democracy only thrives when our citizens believe in the fairness of our elections. That’s why I felt it important to join this effort. “

“Our United States Constitution leaves regulation of elections primarily to the state legislatures, and Americans have a right to demand that our election process is beyond reproach and conducted according to the rule of law. In doing so, we must acknowledge our country’s election professionals and Secretaries of State from both parties work hard to ensure free and fair elections – and they deserve our respect and support,” said Bishop, who served in Congress from 2015 to 2019 and was also Michigan Senate Majority Leader from 2006 to 2010. “These election workers are our neighbors, friends, and family members who devote countless hours to upholding the integrity of our democracy. In a time when our country faces deep divisions, it is crucial that we learn to tolerate opposing viewpoints and respect others’ rights to freedom of speech and expression. Only by embracing these principles can we strengthen our democratic process, including the foundational principles of self-governance and free and fair elections.”

Cherry said: “Michigan’s election system has been under a microscope for as long as I’ve been involved in politics. Fair-minded, objective Michiganders – Republicans, Democrats and independents – understand that Michigan’s elections are among the safest and most secure in the nation.”

The organization will use earned and paid media as part of a national campaign to raise awareness of efforts to subvert elections across the country and help move us beyond polarizing rhetoric and restore faith in our basic institutions.

Democracy Defense Project’s Board of Directors includes distinguished leaders who have served at the federal, stateand local levels. The group’s founding Board members include:

  • Former Gov. Jan Brewer (R-AZ)
  • Former Gov. Nathan Deal (R-GA)
  • Former Gov. Brian Sandoval (R-NV)
  • Former Gov. Ed Rendell (D-PA)
  • Former Gov. Roy Barnes (D-GA)
  • Former Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
  • Former Sen. John Sununu (R-NH)
  • Former Ambassador Richard Swett (D-NH)


More information on the Democracy Defense Project can be found at democracy defense project.org.


Published: Sep 12, 2024

Key States

DDP is specifically focused on key battleground states where the possibility of challenges to federal elections may arise.

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