New Hampshire

Bipartisan Former Elected Leaders in New Hampshire Help Launch The Democracy Defense Project As Part of A Multi-State Effort

New Organization led by Former Senator John Sununu and Former Congressman and U.S. Ambassador Richard ‘Dick’ Swett Aims to Bolster Trust in Democracy and Defend Election System

For Immediate Release

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NEW HAMPSHIRE – Today, a bipartisan collection of former elected officials helped to launch the Democracy Defense Project in New Hampshire and several other states. Democracy Defense Project will work to defend the transparency, safety, and security of New Hampshire’s elections system with bipartisan support. Senator John Sununu and Congressman Dick Swett will serve as Advisory Board members and state co-chairs of the Democracy Defense project in New Hampshire.

At a time when America’s trust and confidence in the state of our elections and democracy has significantly eroded, Democracy Defense Project brings together trusted leaders from both parties to bolster our faith in the integrity of our elections system. Designed to serve as a counterweight to attempts to undermine and sow distrust in election integrity, Democracy Defense Project’s board members will speak up when these instances arise and publicly defend those who have sworn to uphold the rule of law.

Former Republican Senator John Sununu and Former Democratic Congressman Dick Swett will serve on the Advisory Board and as New Hampshire co-chairs while spearheading initiatives in the Granite State to preserve election integrity, foster greater confidence in election results and improve voter participation across the state.

“It is imperative that Americans have confidence in our election processes and outcomes. For decades, New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary has been a highly visible and successful standard for well run elections. Our strong history of citizen-led accountability over government and tradition of local control places our state at the forefront of protecting the rights of voters.” – Senator John Sununu (R-NH)

“I look forward to working with my colleague, Senator Sununu, in this bipartisan effort to reinforce trust in our state’s elections. Ensuring transparent, accountable elections that New Hampshire voters can depend on is indispensable to the national conversation on election fairness. As the co-chair of Secretary of State Scanlan’s Special Committee on Voter Confidence I have already heard many of the concerns of our citizens. The DDP gives us the opportunity to act upon those concerns.” – Ambassador and U.S. Congressman Dick Swett (D-NH)

The organization will use earned and paid media to run a campaign to raise awareness of efforts to strengthen election integrity across the country and help move us beyond polarizing rhetoric.

Democracy Defense Project’s Advisory Board includes distinguished leaders with service at the federal, state and local levels; the group’s founding Board members include:

  •   Gov. Jan Brewer (R-AZ)
  •   Gov. Nathan Deal (R-GA)
  •   Gov. Brian Sandoval (R-NV)
  •   Gov. Ed Rendell (D-PA)
  •   Gov. Roy Barnes (D-GA)
  •   Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
  •   Sen. John Sununu (R-NH)
  •   Ambassador Richard Swett (D-NH)


More information on the Democracy Defense Project can be found at

Published: Jun 25, 2024

Key States

DDP is specifically focused on key battleground states where the possibility of challenges to federal elections may arise.

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