
Democracy Defense Project Pennsylvania Condemns Political Violence

Hart, Rendell and McCall Speak Out Against Violence at Trump Campaign Event in Pennsylvania

For Immediate Release

Media Contact: Katelyn McNally
[email protected]

Pennsylvania – Following the shooting at former President Trump’s rally in Butler, PA, Democracy Defense Project Pennsylvania (DDP) issued the following statements.

“I was saddened to learn of the attempted assassination of former President Trump. Our democracy is built on the foundations of having disagreements, but political violence is never the answer to solving those. We must come together as a nation and use the ballot box as a way to settle those disputes. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of everyone that was affected by this tragic event.” – Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell

“The attempted assassination of Donald Trump was a heinous anti-democratic act. Citizens must work together to defeat those who try to intimidate us with violence. Free and fair elections must be our way forward. I am working with Democracy Defense Project for the security of our elections.” – Former United States Congresswoman Melissa Hart

“I was disheartened to witness what unfolded at Donald Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Political violence should never be an alternative to the ballot box and never be part of the political landscape ever. We can and should agree to disagree at times on issues, but never with violence as a means to an end. My personal thoughts are with the well-being of Mr. Trump and his family in this trying environment. Best wishes for his speedy recovery.” – Former Pennsylvania House Speaker Keith McCall

Democracy Defense Project Pennsylvania works to defend the transparency, safety, security, and validity of Pennsylvania’s elections system. Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, Former United States Congresswoman Melissa Hart, and Former Pennsylvania House Speaker Keith McCall.


More information on the Democracy Defense Project can be found at

Published: Jul 15, 2024

Key States

DDP is specifically focused on key battleground states where the possibility of challenges to federal elections may arise.

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